Sunday, September 25, 2011


Sometimes there are things that need to be done but you just don't do them.  This could be for a number of reasons:

  • lazy
  • tired
  • overwhelmed
  • procrastination
  • lack of organization
  • poor time management
Regardless of the reason, the fact remains that the chores, errands, exercise, etc are not getting done while you make excuses.  We all fall into a rut now and again, and it is very easy for things to get out of hand when we do.  There will always be an excuse NOT to do something that requires work and effort.  I'm not talking about when you are sick and depleted of energy or when an emergency arises.  These things are unavoidable.  

I'm talking about just turning a blind eye to the clutter that surrounds you because you just don't feel like sorting and removing it.  Putting off chores that need to be done because you are being lazy.  Not exercising and eating right because maybe you are not organizing your time efficiently.  Perhaps when you consciously or subconsciously made the decision to put off the task(s) at hand, you felt it was the "right" thing to do.  But you must realize that when you do that for one day, you have doubled your work for tomorrow.  Two days, you have tripled it.  Three days, quadrupled.  Shall I go on??  

Maybe you ditched last night housework or Self work to go out with friends.  Of course going out with your friends and having a few drinks and delicious food is more appetizing than doing chores or working out.  But if you are constantly making excuses you will never get the prize; whatever that may be... a clean organized home? A slimmer healthier you?  A house that is company ready at any time?  It doesn't matter what your goals are, you will NOT reach them if you do not actively work to obtain them.  

I am definitely not saying to throw your social life away.  I'm telling you that you can go have fun after you have finished your task(s) at hand.  If you organize your time more efficiently, you can get everything done and still have time to party.   For example, if your goal is home related, then you MUST work at it daily.  If you are trying to declutter, you MUST remove items daily so set aside 15 minutes everyday for weeding through your stuff.  Tackle one area...NOT A WHOLE ROOM.  Work on clearing off that table or this corner.  And that is it.  Even if you aren't able to finish in the time you have available, you have made progress.  Tomorrow you do some more.  If everyday you are chipping away at your clutter, soon you will be clutter free.   

No matter your goal(s), you MUST organize your time otherwise you are just setting yourself up for failure.  

Perhaps your lack of motivation comes from being overwhelmed.  Maybe you see yourself as so far away from achieving your goals and are overwhelmed and have just given up because of the amount remaining on your plate.  This is when we need to snap out of it and get our heads back in the game.  

I definitely have those days when I don't feel like doing anything.  I am tired from being at work all day and the commute.  I come home and know I have dinner to cook and dishes to wash and whatever other chores are on my schedule for the day.  If I haven't worked out yet in the day, I should be squeezing some exercise in before the night is over.  I need to prepare my breakfast, snacks and lunch for the next day.  And semi-prep tomorrow's dinner.  Oh yeah, I have that family that I want and need to spend time with.  I am sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of time and energy that is required of me to keep myself and my family happy, SANE and provided for!  And in order to do so I know that I must finish what I have put on my plate.  Not food!  Just everything I have laid out for my day.  Putting it off does not make it disappear.  No helpful fairies or gnomes come in to take care of it for me.  I have learned the hard way that if I don't do it today, I will just have to do it the next day, which makes tomorrow doubly busy with housework.  I end up exhausted, cranky and depriving myself of family time and any "ME" time I might have had available.  I no longer push my daily chores off, I just get 'em done.  Then I have more time for my family and myself.

Weight-wise for me, I sometimes feel very overwhelmed.  3 weeks ago I had 86 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight.  EIGHTY SIX!  That sounds totally overwhelming and unattainable.  That sounds like YEARS of dieting and exercising and TORTURE!  But instead of dwelling on that large number and trying to calculate how long it might take me to reach my goal.  I have decided to just take it one day at a time.  I will reach my goal whenever I reach it.  Getting healthier everyday in the process.  I have set mini goals of 5lb increments for myself.  This is most definitely helping to keep me focused on the prize.   In 3 weeks I have reached my first mini goal!  And those weeks flew by.  I know I have a long road ahead of me to my ultimate goal, but I don't feel overwhelmed anymore.  

I firmly believe that making a list of what needs to be done, goals you want to reach, and a wish list is helpful in whatever you are working towards.  See examples below.


Be healthier
decrease my chances of heart disease and cancer
live longer to enjoy life with my family
look better
better wardrobe
easier clothing shopping
more energy
healthier skin

I set my household stuff up on a few lists.  I have a TO DO LIST which is a list of projects I want accomplished around the house, more of a wish list...not chores.  I have my DAILY CHORE SCHEDULE, which lists all of my cleaning spread out over the week. 

Hang wainscoating in bathroom
Remove and replace bathroom tiles
New area rug for living room
Declutter loft/exercise room
Finish kitchen floor
Mend the baby's ripped Capt. America costume


EVERYDAY - make bed, wash dishes, load of laundry (washed, dried, put away), swish & swipe bathroom, prepare tomorrow's breakfast, snacks and lunch and semi prep tomorrow's dinner, 2 minute hotspots (cleaning up of those areas that are dumping grounds, ie. kitchen counter, table, nightstand, etc)

Mon - clean microwave, Dust kitchen ceiling fan, sweep/mop kitchen, sweep back stairs and back hall.

Tues (day before trash day) - Clean out fridge (all spoiled food in trash), all trash emptied and barrels disinfected, purge all mags/junk mail/circulars, dust and vacuum living room

Wed - Wash and condition leather sofa, wash highchair, change baby's sheets and changing pad cover, dust his ceiling fan and vacuum, spray dog's with deodorizer

Thrs - Pick up baby's room, wash side table in living room, wash glass on TV table and fireplace, clean out underneath the couch (recently added as I followed my nose Saturday to a sippy cup filled with rotten milk of an unknown own age.)

Fri - Clean out purse, clean out car, wash bathroom rug, sweep/mop bathroom, wash dog's feeding stations

Sat - Dust bedroom ceiling fan and furniture, change sheets, sweep/mop bedroom, wash dog's bed

Sun - Sweep front hall and stairs, tidy up front hall, plan week's dinner menu, spray dog's (again), prepare clothes for work week


wash dogs
vacuum out fireplace
wash windows
wash inside of fridge and freezer
get rid of baby's outgrown clothes and toys
tidy tupperware cabinet
tidy linen baskets

Those are my tips for sticking with your plans, seeing results and continuing until you achieve your goals.  This has helped me and I hope that this will help anyone who might be lacking the motivation right now or possibly even the know how.  Baby steps to success!  Now GET 'ER DONE!



  1. Did you write this for me?

  2. No, not written for anyone in particular. I had a conversation with someone last night that gave me the idea to write about it, but it is more based on personal struggle to get motivated and overcoming it. Just thought it might help someone else. But by all means, if you think it's about you and it makes you "GET 'ER DONE", we can pretend it was written specifically for you :)
