Thursday, September 8, 2011

Paper Schmaper

Today it was clear to me, once again, how ridiculous I am sometimes when it comes to cleaning and decluttering certain things.  I have my whole "to do" list but I just can't seem to cross certain things off of it.  Usually these things involve paper.  I don't know why paper is so overwhelming to me, but it is.

Today I stood in our bedroom on my side of the bed and my nightstand was SCREAMING at me.  The top is not a mess.  The drawer is a mess (but it doesn't bother me so much since it is closed and I can't see it).  But the cubby on the bottom of the nightstand is damn EMBARRASSING!  I don't know why today was the day, but I could no longer stand it.  I pulled all of the papers, folders, books and magazines out of the cubby and threw it all on the bed.  I sorted everything into 3 piles.

  1. KEEP
  2. SHRED
  3. TRASH

I am not kidding when I tell you that this task took me all of 5 minutes!  I don't know why I have been putting this off for months.  I tossed most of the stuff in the trash.  I have a 1/2 dozen craft books that I originally thought I would give to Anj... but I decided that is an enablers action and I will not unload my clutter onto someone else who is trying very hard to declutter as well.  I am not an enabler!  Instead I will donate those books to one of those "Got Books?" drop off bins, I pass one on my way to work.  Ready for my most embarrassing discovery in the cubby?... I found 2 super overdue library books.  ARGH!!!!!  I remember taking them out when I was 2008.  OMG!  Those books will be put in my basket that I keep at my launch pad and I WILL bring them back to the library this weekend.  Good thing our library no longer charges late fees.  Can you imagine?  I think instead of going in and facing the librarian I will just drop the books in the return box with an apology note.  How embarrassing, but that's what I get for being a disorganized procrastinator.  I should force myself to go in and out myself, in person, to the librarian.  Maybe getting a good old fashioned scolding will leave a lasting impression on me.  Any time I start slacking off, that scowl and my embarrassment will be my motivation to take care of everything right away.  haha!  Stay tuned for my decision.  Anyway, out of all the stuff that was in the cubby, I only kept five items.  One was a small photo album, one was my old laptop and the last three were documents that I need to file.

My next task is my nightstand, I plan to do that before the night is over.  And then the monster paper project will be the file cabinet.  I am seriously dreading that.  It is only a two drawer cabinet, so it's not SO bad.  I plan to just pull out 10-20 file folders at a time and go through them, discarding where appropriate.  I also have a tendency to just throw papers and crap in the drawer not in the correct folder, just where ever it will be out of sight.  So I will file those items and all future items the right way once it is all organized.  Again, I am NOT looking forward to this chore, but I know it won't take me as nearly as long as I am imagining it will.

Here is my aforementioned to do list.  They are not in an particular order, it's just what needs to be done.
  • clean nightstand drawer (completed 9/8/11)
  • clean nightstand cubby (completed 9/8/11)
  • clean out closet and drawers (completed 9/3/11)
  • pick out cabinet for the bathroom (purchased 9/10/11)
  • install cabinet in bathroom (hubby installed 9/10/11)
  • get rid of platform bed (gave to a friend 9/4/11)
  • organize toy storage behind couch
  • print photos, frame and hang in bedroom
  • organize fabric by material then color (completed 10/1/11)
  • organize food cabinets
  • organize tupperware cabinet (completed 9/10/11)
  • organize file cabinet drawers (completed 9/9/11)
  • bring rocker upstairs (Hubby brought up tonight 9/8/11)
  • Air conditioners down to basement (Hubby brought down 10/1/11)
I will get all of these things done.  I am giving myself until October 15th to complete this entire list.  I will update this post as I make progress.

Thanks for reading :)

Have a good night!

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